Hiring an SEO specialist

Business expansion is something that managers will implement sooner or later. Currently, one of the most important ways to develop a business is to do all kinds of digital marketing. There are many ways to do this, the most important of which can be called basic SEO. Using the services of a dedicated SEO agency or an SEO consultancy can develop your local and small business and make your work progress. But what are the characteristics of an expert SEO? What questions should be asked to this expert during the interview and what answer should we consider as the right answer?

In fact, this is a decision that every business will reach in a certain situation, and of course, when you are trying to introduce your brand in society, this need will be more evident than before. For most businesses, the best solution is to hire an SEO expert to not only reduce the increasing workload; Rather, by using the experiences of that expert, they can speed up their business development and make sure that it is done accurately.

The important thing is that when hiring an SEO expert in the digital marketing department, you need to know what questions to ask them and, more importantly, what answers to hear. Doing this is necessary to ensure the ability and expertise of the person or group you are considering and the existence of complete coordination between your goals. In the continuation of this article, you will see the important and main questions of the interview time, and by checking the correct answer for each question, you can reach this important summary of what abilities an SEO specialist should have. be with us.

Determining SEO goals before starting the outsourcing process

Before starting the search process to find a reliable SEO specialist, there are a few important issues to keep in mind. At first, you should determine these things in your field of work:

• Know the goals of your organization;

• Identify the competitors of your organization and business;

• Have basic knowledge in the field of SEO in order to evaluate different forces and experts in the field of SEO with its help;

• Identify your different options for hiring people or SEO groups, for example, your preference is to hire an organization or independent people and freelancers;

• Have a clear schedule and schedule and use it to monitor the process of the company and the SEO person you will hire.

To outsource this part, you can use regular agency SEO consulting services. In addition to specifying the SEO goals and the implementation plan of the SEO team, SEO consultants assure you that they will supervise the proper implementation of SEO activities by the SEO expert.

Key questions when hiring an SEO expert (tips for hiring an SEO professional)

To hire an SEO and actually start working with a specialized SEO group, we need to ask them some important and key questions.

1- Have you cooperated with businesses similar to ours?

One of the most important things you should find out at the very beginning is whether the specialist you are looking for has ever worked with a business similar to yours or not. If that applicant has been working with businesses similar to yours, he will have a general view of your field of work and in fact, he can easily make some of the most important optimizations related to your field of work.

SEO will be very variable according to the field of work and of course the dimensions of the business; That's why the more the SEO expert you are considering has more work experience in that field of your expertise, the better it will be for you and your business.

Ideally, your preference in the first step is that your desired SEO specialist answers this question in the affirmative and provides you with examples of work from similar clients to prove his claim. However, if you hear a negative answer, do not reject the applicant quickly and at the very beginning of the interview. This person may have cooperated with other similar brands and can make your business successful by doing the job correctly.

In this case, the main and key characteristic for decision-making will be the sample of SEO work. In this situation, you should check the set of work done and based on them, reach this important conclusion that the activities done for other businesses can be useful for your business and get the desired results for you.

2- Can you guarantee the SEO results we want?

Many SEO companies and individuals claim to be able to guarantee results or have a proven relationship with search engines. Most of the claimed guarantees will have sentences like "Guaranteed to get the first rank for the client's page with any type of keyword of your choice and in only 6 months".

But you should pay attention to this point. In fact, there is no special method or shortcut that can be used to guarantee SEO results that are specific to this SEO person and that other SEO specialists working in the organization and even different agencies are not aware of it.

In any case, if the SEO specialist is fully confident in achieving the results you want and even offers you a financial guarantee, you can use this guarantee and mention it in your contract.

However, we must say that providing a guarantee for a specific keyword does not create any guarantee and will only encourage new customers. You should choose a person to work with who is confident enough to fulfill his duties and help your business to achieve your goals, and most importantly, to be realistic, honest and of course completely legal.

If these SEO experts use all kinds of black hat tactics and bring you to high rankings in a short time, you will face a lot of problems and have to spend a lot of money and time to get yourself to the same level as before. Hire an SEO expert and work with them.

3- Which aspects of SEO work can be outsourced?

In fact, SEO is a multifaceted work and if you decide to outsource your work and want to use the services of an independent person or agency, you do not need to leave all the SEO work to them. The person or group you are interviewing with should be able to provide a general and comprehensive idea of how to improve at least 3 aspects of your business's SEO.

It is quite clear that in an ideal case, the SEO expert should be able to implement and manage all aspects related to SEO in the best possible way, and in fact, he should give you the assurance that he is able to implement all aspects of SEO.

However, the applicant should be able to give you specific recommendations regarding certain aspects of SEO so that you can start working on those areas. For example, this person should assure you that he will perform various processes such as link building, local list management and content creation. If you find that each of these three parts is going to be outsourced by this SEO expert, be careful; Because these items are the most important parts of the work and it is expected that the SEO specialist will undertake them directly. This issue will be very important especially in the field of local SEO.

- Which criteria are the most important during the analysis and which criteria have the highest priority?

When reviewing your primary criteria, one of the important questions is what is the best performance and results obtained by this SEO specialist? In fact, you should first determine your most important criterion and then check how this expert or SEO group performs in relation to this criterion. For example, if your most important criterion for business development and success is getting more calls from potential customers and increasing site traffic, but your SEO specialist emphasizes more on the rank obtained according to 20 keywords; You realize that your standards are not aligned and you probably won't be able to have an effective collaboration.

Proper SEO management should focus on increasing referrals and sales, and that is why you have decided to outsource part of this process or you have decided to hire a professional SEO specialist for your collection. Considering this, these 2 criteria should be the first priority of the applicant interviewing you.

Of course, we all know that the analytical criteria are multifaceted and all the different parts such as the site's rank, the amount of traffic and the number of available links are all of great importance, and in the interview process, a specific solution should be given in relation to the increase of each of these parts. You will be provided.

Remember that the SEO process is not limited to increasing the site's rank or reducing the bounce rate and improving the traffic level, and it is more than these things. An effective SEO prioritizes the nature of the business itself and other things such as sales/leads are necessary to improve the overall SEO of the business. This shows why local SEO strategy is important for most companies.

Leads obtained from funds that you are not able to work with, will not have a particularly positive effect, and the SEO expert interacting with you must understand this well.

Therefore, SEO experts should know what your needs include: do you need to increase the click rate on the site links? What kind of backlinks do you need? Do you need various integrations or is your main need Coupon Redemption? And of course, how will you measure and evaluate? By asking these questions and finding their answers, make sure that there is complete harmony between you and the specialist in question.

5- Who are some of your best clients and what is the best example of your work?

The portfolio of an SEO specialist is very important and this person should be able to provide you with some of their best work examples and most successful clients and their success rate as a portfolio. These examples should include very comprehensive data, a variety of tests, and of course real and guaranteed screenshots of the provided examples.

At this point and for your question, the SEO specialist should use the phrase "let us show you our portfolio". The applicant must be able to show several sites and portfolios that will raise other questions about your business site. If there are no projects similar to your business in this person's portfolio, you should be careful and think a little more about starting cooperation with this applicant.

6- What reporting model and monitoring updates will be delivered to you?

One of the most essential parts of hiring an SEO expert is knowing what report they are going to provide you with on a weekly or monthly basis. Maintaining constant communication in the field of SEO is not so easy, but if you are going to work with another person or group, it will be necessary and mandatory.

At this stage, you should not only see the types of reports that are going to be presented to you; Rather, the SEO specialist must explain the reports presented to you in a detailed and complete manner. You will need reports that are clear and understandable to all members of the management team.

In summary, a report should provide answers to all of the following questions:

• What things have been done and for what reason?

• What effect did the past changes have?

• What backlinks have been created?

• What obstacles still exist on the way to achieving the goals?

• To overcome these obstacles, what are the solutions and what should be done?

• What are the next steps in this field?

Evaluation and reporting in different stages and online or in person is very important. Therefore, check the answers to these questions by hiring an SEO specialist with a lot of time and high accuracy.

It will be much better if, at the time of hiring an SEO specialist, the SEO can provide you with concrete examples in this regard. The important thing is to state at this stage that you do not have any knowledge about the various aspects of marketing and then see how this person will explain this to you and carefully evaluate and examine the way he explains it.

the final conclusion

Before deciding to outsource the SEO department of your organization or hire a new SEO specialist, be careful and increase your knowledge in this field. The SEO specialist should be completely by your side, able to implement all the different aspects of this process efficiently and make your organization and business more successful.

These questions and points raised should be your guide when hiring an SEO expert and help you understand how reliable the expert is talking to you. We suggest that you read this article carefully and keep its answers in mind when hiring an SEO expert. However, don't forget that a regular regulatory agency can help you and be by your side from the process of reviewing resumes to conducting interviews, and of course, during the execution, as an SEO consultant, monitor the performance of the SEO specialist and review the most important technical and technical issues.

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10 common reasons for the failure of SEO projects
SEO is a continuous process. Many companies use SEO to develop their business and try to achieve the success they want by using it. However, you should know that SEO projects fail for various reasons. In some cases, even though the digital marketing service provider agency performs all the necessary tasks correctly, the rate of return on investment or ROI does not reach the desired number. You spend a lot of money on SEO, but you don't get the desired business results. This issue has several reasons. In many cases, it has to do with choosing the wrong words and phrases (keyword research). Sometimes it is due to the unexpected activity of competitors or the entry of new competitors. These are things that are out of the control of the SEO business or agency. But many times, the mistakes of the SEO agency or the group pave the way for SEO projects to fail. Getting enough information about the most common mistakes in this field will reduce the possibility of their occurrence, and for this reason, in this article, we will examine the 10 common reasons for the failure of SEO processes. If there is at least one of these mistakes in your SEO projects, the probability of failure increases. Therefore, by getting enough information, recognize the common mistakes, and by fixing them, return to your original path to success. Common mistakes will usually be made by one of the parties working in SEO projects, i.e. the business group or the SEO agency, and we will examine each one separately.