How do we help your business online?

The serious problem of businesses in the digital space is planning, implementing, measuring and evaluating digital marketing processes. Whether the work is outsourced and done by specialist companies or internally, there is always a concern for the managers of organizations that are all the processes implemented correctly? Are the right metrics chosen? Do the presented reports lead to the right analysis and decision making?
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How can we help your business online?

In the world of digital marketing and its processes, the parts of analysis, evaluation and optimization are as important as execution or even more so. After the implementation of each campaign by a digital marketing agency or an expert, all its results must be analyzed in a correct and real way to determine the effectiveness of the activities and increase the probability of success..
Detailed review of site SEO advice and its most important parts
Digital marketing and SEO consultation discussions are one of the hottest topics of the day for all types of businesses, and if you are planning to expand your business, you have probably come across digital marketing and of course SEO. In fact, SEO is one of the most important tools to achieve business goals, but what is SEO? SEO is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization and it cannot be considered as a definite work. This part of digital marketing is a set of tasks with the help of which the ranking of the site or blog is improved in the search engine and that site is displayed as the highest and best item as a result of user searches. Many experts work in this field and help different collections and organizations to develop their business in this way. This is the simplest definition that can be given of the SEO process and the SEO consultant. However, following this topic, more questions arise. What are SEO consulting services and who is an SEO consultant? What are its duties and how can we distinguish the best SEO consulting group or the best SEO website consultant? In this article, we intend to answer all the important questions in this regard by carefully and completely examining these topics. Therefore, whether as an employer or as a person interested in this field, stay with us until the end of the article and get answers to your questions related to website SEO consulting services and how specialists in this field work.
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Hiring an SEO specialist
Business expansion is something that managers will implement sooner or later. Currently, one of the most important ways to develop a business is to do all kinds of digital marketing. There are many ways to do this, the most important of which can be called basic SEO. Using the services of a dedicated SEO agency or an SEO consultancy can develop your local and small business and make your work progress. But what are the characteristics of an expert SEO? What questions should be asked to this expert during the interview and what answer should we consider as the right answer? In fact, this is a decision that every business will reach in a certain situation, and of course, when you are trying to introduce your brand in society, this need will be more evident than before. For most businesses, the best solution is to hire an SEO expert to not only reduce the increasing workload; Rather, by using the experiences of that expert, they can speed up their business development and make sure that it is done accurately. The important thing is that when hiring an SEO expert in the digital marketing department, you need to know what questions to ask them and, more importantly, what answers to hear. Doing this is necessary to ensure the ability and expertise of the person or group you are considering and the existence of complete coordination between your goals. In the continuation of this article, you will see the important and main questions of the interview time, and by checking the correct answer for each question, you can reach this important summary of what abilities an SEO specialist should have. be with us.
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10 common reasons for the failure of SEO projects
SEO is a continuous process. Many companies use SEO to develop their business and try to achieve the success they want by using it. However, you should know that SEO projects fail for various reasons. In some cases, even though the digital marketing service provider agency performs all the necessary tasks correctly, the rate of return on investment or ROI does not reach the desired number. You spend a lot of money on SEO, but you don't get the desired business results. This issue has several reasons. In many cases, it has to do with choosing the wrong words and phrases (keyword research). Sometimes it is due to the unexpected activity of competitors or the entry of new competitors. These are things that are out of the control of the SEO business or agency. But many times, the mistakes of the SEO agency or the group pave the way for SEO projects to fail. Getting enough information about the most common mistakes in this field will reduce the possibility of their occurrence, and for this reason, in this article, we will examine the 10 common reasons for the failure of SEO processes. If there is at least one of these mistakes in your SEO projects, the probability of failure increases. Therefore, by getting enough information, recognize the common mistakes, and by fixing them, return to your original path to success. Common mistakes will usually be made by one of the parties working in SEO projects, i.e. the business group or the SEO agency, and we will examine each one separately.
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Mr. Shokri
Marketing Director of Safir Institute
In my opinion, the use of expert consultants in specialized fields can be one of the strengths of any organization. I am really pleased that in the development and marketing department of Safir Gadman Institute, we were proud to benefit from the valuable advice of Mr. Engineer Adel Talebi and his excellent team in the regular collection and during this cooperation, we made good things happen together.
Mr. Arash Rezai
CEO of OrdMe Store
Regular shows you the way; "As it is". If you are on the path of developing an online business, regular will help you to go through the twists and turns of this challenging path successfully. At Ordami, we have overcome many challenges in the fields of "online marketing" and "human resources" with the help of a regular agency. You can definitely count on them.
Ms. Nurashahi
Brandkadeh website manager
The world of the internet is so complex and sometimes confusing that it definitely includes the example of "don't be alone during this phase". Thank you for the support and guidance of the technical professors and we are happy that we are going through these steps hand in hand.
Mr. Soheil Mohammadi
Manager of the Variamat collection
One of my concerns was the targeted performance of the SEO team and the content of my site, and for a long time I felt the need for a professional person or group to monitor the performance of my site, but I could not trust any person or group. I used Mr. Talebi's advice on a regular basis, but due to his busy schedule, it was not possible until he started a regular digital marketing agency, and I immediately used the collection's services. I am happy that my concern has been resolved and I hope that I will continue to use the services of the regular collection in 1401.
Important points of business presence in the digital space
Digital marketing campaigns that are carried out in digital marketing agencies or individually, usually have many variable parts, and for the growth of a set, all these parts and parts must work together and with each other. In order to achieve the desired result and achieve the necessary success, all businesses will have a long way to go, and things like email advertising, bulk SMS, presence on social networks, etc. will all be part of this long path of each set, which will be done with the help of a digital agency. Marketing can be very effective. However, there are many things you can do to manage your business's digital presence.